This ultimate door jokes collection will have you knocking on the floor with laughter, whether you’re a seasoned punster or a total novice when it comes to funny door jokes.

We’ve delved deep into the comedic archives, unearthed historical door-related humor, and crafted some original content to bring you a truly comprehensive exploration of door-based hilarity. From classic knock-knock jokes with a door twist (get ready for some “who’s there” surprises!) to a-door-able puns that hinge on wordplay (we promise they’ll leave you chuckling, not groaning), this article is a treasure trove of funny door jokes for all ages.

But wait, there’s more! We’ll also be venturing beyond puns to explore hilarious door-related stories, from personal anecdotes about malfunctioning garage doors (who hasn’t been there?) to classic cartoons featuring talking doors or characters interacting with doors in a humorous way. So, gather your friends and family, open the door to laughter (both literally and figuratively), and prepare to be tickled funny with this ultimate collection of door jokes!

Knock-Knock, Who’s There? (Include Keyword: knock-knock door jokes)

Fasten your seatbelts, laughter is about to explode! We’ve ditched the old jokes and crafted some original door-themed knock-knockers guaranteed to leave you in stitches.

Fresh Off the Hinges: Original Knock-Knock Jokes 

  • Knock-knock.
    Who’s there?
    A delivery elf.
    A delivery elf who?
    Just here with your package, it’s a real doozy!

  • Knock-knock.
    Who’s there?
    A nervous key.
    A nervous key who?
    Freaking out, I can’t find my lock!

  • Knock-knock.
    Who’s there?
    A pair of curtains.
    A pair of curtains who?
    Here to discuss your new drapery arrangements!

Beyond the Front Door: Targeting Specific Doors 

Let’s unlock some humor specific to different doors:

  • Knock-knock.
    Who’s there?
    A revolving door.
    A revolving door who?
    Can’t decide which way to answer, come on in, I guess!

  • Knock-knock.
    Who’s there?
    A saloon door.
    A saloon door who?
    Swinging by to see if you’re ready for a rootin’ tootin’ good time!

  • Knock-knock.
    Who’s there?
    A pet door.
    A pet door who?
    Looking for the tiny human who forgot to feed me!

Bonus Knock-Knock!

  • Knock-knock.
    Who’s there?
    A historian.
    A historian who?
    Here to tell you all about the fascinating world of doorways!

Hinged on Humor: A-Door-able Puns for All

Fasten your seatbelts, pun lovers! This section is overflowing with original door puns guaranteed to tickle your funny bone.

Puns on Door Parts 

  • Doorknob: I guess you could say I’m the key to getting in. (But please don’t turn me the wrong way!)

  • Hinge: Don’t be so dependent, learn to stand on your own two hinges!

  • Doorstop: I’m always there to hold the door open for new opportunities.

  • Peephole: I see what you did there! (Pun intended for someone peeking through)

  • Doormat: Welcome! Please wipe your feet, I don’t want any drama tracked in.

  • Deadbolt: This lock is so secure, it’s practically deadbolted on success.

  • Weatherstrip: Don’t worry, be happy! This weatherstrip will keep all the negativity out.

  • Threshold: You’ve crossed the threshold to a pun-derful world!

  • Doorjamb: Don’t be such a doorjamb, let the good vibes flow through!

  • Kickplate: Feeling down? Give this kickplate a good boost, it’ll lift your spirits!

  • Lockset: This lockset is like a good friend, it’ll always keep your secrets safe.

  • Strike Plate: You better believe this door will strike back if you try to enter uninvited!

  • Doorbell: Don’t just stand there, ring the doorbell and make yourself heard!

  • Closer: Don’t worry, even though it’s a door closer, it can bring people together.

  • Transom Window: This window offers a high-deas view of the world.

  • Pivot Hinge: Don’t get stuck in a rut, this hinge lets you pivot to new possibilities.

  • Security Camera (above the door): Smile! You’re on candid door-a!

  • Mail Slot: Don’t be a shutterbug, use the mail slot for your deliveries.

  • Door Knocker: Don’t knock it ’til you try it! This knocker is a real conversation starter.

  • French Doors: Don’t worry, they won’t judge your accent, these doors are very open-minded.

  • Pocket Door: This door is like a magician, it can disappear in a pocket!

  • Sliding Door: Don’t be such a drag, these doors slide open with ease.

  • Dutch Door: Feeling half-hearted? This Dutch door can help you see both sides.

  • Fire Door: This door is always ready to extinguish any drama that tries to enter.

  • Storm Door: Don’t worry, be storm-free! This door will keep the elements at bay.

Puns on Opening and Closing Doors 

  • Opening a door: “This opportunity is wide open, don’t hinge on it!”

  • Closing a door: “Time to shut the door on negativity, positivity is knocking!”

  • Unlocking a door: “This key unlocks a world of possibilities, don’t deadbolt your dreams!”

  • Locking a door: “Gotta keep those good vibes in, lock out the drama!”

  • Creaky door: “This door needs some WD-40, it’s complaining a little too loudly!”

  • Swinging door: “Don’t get caught in the swinging door of indecision, just pick a side!”

  • Sliding door: “These doors are a breeze, opening opportunities smoothly.”

  • Double doors: “Twice the opportunity, double the fun!”

  • Squeaky door: “This door needs some oil, it’s letting out all its secrets!”

  • Pushing a door: “Don’t be shy, push open the door to new experiences!”

  • Pulling a door: “Sometimes you gotta pull back the curtain and reveal what’s hidden behind the door.”

  • Forgetting your keys: “Oh no, a key situation! Guess I’ll have to knock and hope someone’s home.”

  • Leaving the door ajar: “Just a crack open to new possibilities, are you ready to peek in?”

  • Slamming the door: “Whoa there, simmer down! Let’s close the door on that anger politely.”

  • Hearing a knock: “Opportunity’s knocking! Don’t leave it hanging, answer the door!”

  • Shushing someone before they knock: “Shh, let opportunity knock quietly, it might be shy!”

  • Holding the door open for someone: “A little door-tesy goes a long way!”

  • Struggling with a heavy door: “Don’t worry, I can handle this! I’m a door-able person.”

  • Needing someone to hold the door: “A little help here? This door is being a real door-head!”

  • Walking through a doorway confidently: “Head held high, I’m ready to conquer what’s behind this door!”

  • Sneaking through a doorway: “Let’s keep this a secret, just a little door-way information.”

  • Running through a doorway: “Gotta make a grand entrance! Excuse me while I door-dash through here!”

  • Looking back after closing a door: “Second thoughts? Don’t worry, the door is always open to come back through.”

  • Accidentally walking into a closed door: “Ouch! That was a real door-prize!”

  • Leaving a door unlocked for someone you trust: “You have the key to my door (and my heart)!”

Puns on Different Door Types 

  • Revolving Door: “Feeling dizzy with indecision? Just follow the crowd through this revolving door!”

  • Sliding Glass Door: “This door is a real pane-setter, opening up a clear view of what lies ahead.”

  • French Doors: “Bonjour, opportunity! These doors will add a touch of ooh la la to your entrance.”

  • Pocket Door: “This door is a magician, disappearing into thin air with a poof!”

  • Dutch Door: “Feeling grumpy in the morning? Maybe this Dutch door will put you in a half-good mood.”

  • Barn Door: “Yeehaw! This rustic door brings a touch of moo-vellous charm to your home.”

  • Storm Door: “Don’t worry, be storm-proof! This door is a real weather warrior.”

  • Security Door: “This door takes security seriously, it’s a real lock-down specialist.”

  • Screen Door: “Let the good vibes and fresh air breeze in, while keeping the bugs out! It’s a win-door situation.”

  • Double Doors: “Make a grand entrance or a dramatic exit, these doors can handle both!”

  • Fire Door: “This door is always on fire… to keep flames at bay! Safety first, puns second.”

  • Pet Door: “Furry friends, rejoice! This door is the ultimate paw-sibility machine for independent adventures.”

  • Saloon Doors: “Swinging open the doors to a wild west adventure, one opportunity at a time… partner!”

  • Bifold Door: “These doors fold in half, saving space and doubling the pun-derful possibilities.”

  • Gated Door: “Not everyone gets an invite! This door is very gate-keeping about who gets through.”

  • Glass Door: “This transparent door is an open book, you can see what’s coming… literally.”

  • Shoji Screen: “This beautiful Japanese door adds a touch of serenity and a paper-thin barrier between worlds.”

  • French Balcony Door: “Step outside and enjoy a little fresh air, without actually stepping outside… how French!”

  • Murphy Bed Door: “This space-saving wonder hides a bed behind a door, making your room a door-m transformation station.”

  • Vault Door: “This heavy-duty door keeps your valuables safe and sound, like a secret-keeper on steroids.”

  • Hidden Door: “This door is a master of disguise, hiding a secret room full of pun-believable surprises!”

  • Cat Flap: “Feline friends can come and go as they please, thanks to this convenient cat-sized portal.”

  • Stable Door: “This door takes you back in time, adding a unique historical neigh-sayer to your space.”

  • Greenhouse Door: “Open the door to a world of flourishing plants and botanical delights, it’s a flora-fantastic entrance!”

  • Automatic Door: “No need to knock, this door is all about convenience! It’s like a door-man without the hat.”

Bonus Pun!

  • Why did the burglar only target houses with French doors? He wanted to take a pane!


Short and Sweet: Door Joke One-Liners (Include Keyword: door jokes, one-liners)

Brace yourselves for a barrage of brief, door-related jokes with knockout one-liners!

  • Diet’s going great. See food, slam the door shut!
  • Fresh paint on the front door. Can’t decide if it’s “in” or “out.”
  • Therapist said confront my fears. Opened the closet door… still scared of spiders.
  • Dating apps? Revolving doors. Lots come and go, none stick around.
  • Fixed the squeaky hinge. Now it just screams silently.
  • Tried explaining puns to my klepto friend. He took things literally. (Bonus!)

Farewell, Farewell, and Don’t Slam the Door!
Well, there you have it! We’ve unlocked a treasure trove of door jokes, puns, and one-liners that are sure to leave you rolling on the floor (avoiding the door, of course). From classic knock-knock jokes with a door twist to hilarious puns that hinge on wordplay (sorry, we couldn’t resist!), this article has proven that doors are more than just portals – they’re gateways to laughter.

So, the next time you find yourself staring at a door, don’t just open it, knock on it with a funny joke in mind! Share your favorites with friends and family, or get creative and invent your own door-related humor. Remember, laughter is always the best policy, and with this arsenal of jokes, you’re guaranteed to have a door-slamming good time!

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