Alrighty passengers, settle into your seats and grab a giggle stick, because we’re about to embark on a hilarious journey through the world of train jokes! This article has more puns than a conductor’s nametag, so buckle up and prepare to derail with laughter.

Funny Train Jokes One Liners

  1. How do trains eat? They chew on choo choo choo!
  2. What do you call a train with no wheels? A station!
  3. Why did the train get detention? Because it was always loco-motive!
  4. What do you call a train that loves music? A rail-and-roll train!
  5. What sound does a surprised train make? Woah choo choo!
  6. Why did the birthday train get so many presents? Because it was on the right track!
  7. What do you call a train that wins a race? A first-placer locomotive!
  8. What do you call a train that’s afraid of the dark? A fright train!
  9. Why did the train conductor wear sunglasses? Because he was feeling station-ary!
  10. What do you call a train that’s great at shuffling cards? A track-dealer!
  11. This train ride is chugging along faster than my pet snail, Turbo!
  12. I wonder if the conductor has a special whistle for “juice box break”?
  13. My favorite part of the train ride? Watching the choo choo chase the clouds!
  14. Why did the train go to the doctor? Because it felt a little loco!
  15. I hope this train has enough snacks for a hungry choo choo like me!
  16. This train ride is the perfect time to practice my best train conductor impression: “All aboard!”
  17. Next stop: Playground!
  18. I wonder if the train wheels ever get tired?
  19. This train whistle is way cooler than my regular whistle at home.
  20. Maybe I can convince the conductor to let me steer the train for a bit… (with grown-up supervision, of course!)
  21. Why did the train wear a hat? Because it didn’t want to be loco-motive!
  22. What do you call a train that loves to play hide-and-seek? A choo-choo-choose train!
  23. I wonder if the train has a special seat for stuffed animals?
  24. This train ride is like a giant choo choo playground, with windows!
  25. Maybe I can build a pillow fort in my seat and pretend it’s a train car!
  26. Beep beep! Move over cars, the choo choo train is coming through! (For pretending with toy trains)
  27. This train ride is the perfect excuse to wear my pajamas all day!
  28. Shhh! I think I hear the train whispering secrets to the tracks!
  29. I wonder if the train has a bedtime story for when it goes to sleep at night?
  30. Maybe I can draw a picture of all the cool things I see from the train window!


Here are 40 more train one-liners for kids:


  1. What do you call a train that’s always late? A slowcomotive!
  2. Why did the train get a speeding ticket? It was going off the rails!
  3. What do you call a scared train? A fright train!
  4. I tried to catch fog on the train ride, but I mist.
  5. This train journey is loco-motive! (loco = crazy)


  1. The train conductor said, “Please don’t feed the passengers!”
  2. I wonder if the train has a special whistle for “bathroom break”?
  3. My favorite part of the train ride is watching the choo choo chase its own tail!
  4. I hope this train has a slide instead of stairs!
  5. Maybe I can convince the conductor to let me honk the train whistle… with my nose!

Animal Sounds:

  1. This train sounds like a giant snoring dragon!
  2. The train whistle sounds like a happy cow!
  3. I wonder if the train wheels ever sing a choo choo choo song?
  4. Maybe the train is talking to the birds with its whistle!
  5. This train ride is like a choo choo safari, with all the sights and sounds!


  1. I wonder if the train has a special birthday song for choo choo trains!
  2. This train ride must be taking us to a magical land of candy and toys!
  3. Maybe the train conductor is secretly a superhero in disguise!
  4. I wonder if the train has a best friend – another train it races with sometimes!
  5. This train journey feels like we’re flying through the clouds!


  1. The train ride is long, but the time will fly by with a song!
  2. The scenery is grand, mountains and fields, right outside the train window we hold!
  3. Choo choo choo, the train goes fast, where will this adventure lead us at last?
  4. Snacks and drinks, what a delight, makes the train ride extra bright!
  5. Buckle up tight, hold on with glee, the train ride’s an adventure for you and me!

More Puns

  1. This train feels like a choo choo caterpillar, munching its way through the countryside.
  2. The train tracks look like a giant metal zipper, zipping us across the land.
  3. Maybe the train conductor has a secret map that shows where all the best puddles are for splashing! (For rainy days)
  4. I wonder if the train has a special whistle for “look at that cool bug!”
  5. This train journey feels like we’re riding on a giant, friendly snake, slithering through the landscape.
  6. The train conductor announced, “Next stop: Rainbow Land!” (For a trip with a scenic overlook)
  7. Maybe I can build a fort out of train snacks – banana towers and cheese walls!
  8. This train ride is like a choo choo treasure hunt, searching for hidden sights out the window.
  9. I wonder if the train has a special bedtime story for the stars it sees every night?
  10. Maybe I can draw a comic book about a superhero train who saves the day!


  1. Q: What do you call a really chatty train driver? A: A conductor with a lot of loco-motion to talk about! (Loco = crazy)

  2. Q: Why did the train inspector get fired? A: He kept getting derailed by donut shops!

  3. Q: Why did the passengers cheer when the train went through a tunnel? A: They were tired of the conductor’s terrible singing!

  4. Q: What did the train conductor say to the passenger who couldn’t find their seat? A: “Don’t worry, we’ll have you de-tracked in no time!”

  5. Q: What do you call a train that’s always late for its appointments? A: A procrastinator express!

  6. Q: What do you call a train full of tired firefighters? A: A snooze-crew!

  7. Q: Why did the train conductor wear sunglasses?
    A: Because he was feeling station-ary!

  8. Q: What do you call a train that loves to play hide-and-seek?
    A: A choo-choo-choose train!

  9. Q: What’s the difference between a train and a lazy river? A: The train eventually gets you somewhere!

  10. Q: How do you know a train is feeling under the weather? A: It keeps blowing its whistle!

  11. Q: What do you call a train that only goes in circles? A: A loop-o-motive!

  12. Q: Why did the train conductor get a speeding ticket? A: He was going off the rails!

  13. Q: What do you call a train that loves to gossip? A: A rumor-ailroad!

  14. Q: What do you call a train full of pancakes? A: A stack express!

  15. Q: Why did the train conductor get in trouble with the passengers? A: He kept telling them puns that were loco-motive!

  16. Q: What do you call a train that’s always losing its keys? A: A forgetful locomotive!

  17. Q: What did the train conductor say to the passenger who wouldn’t stop talking? A: “Next stop, silence!”

  18. Q: What do you call a train that loves to party? A: A choo-choo-ga-boogie train!

  19. Q: Why couldn’t the train conductor decide what to eat for lunch? A: He was always double-tracking his options!

  20. Q: What do you call a train that’s afraid of the dark? A: A fright train!

  21. Q: What do you call a train conductor who can’t remember their passengers’ names?
    A: A memory lapse locomotive!

  22. Q: Why did the train get a detention after school?
    A: Because it was always loco-motive in class!

  23. Q: What do you call a train that’s always losing races?
    A: A slow-coach express!

    Few More
  24. Q: Why did the train conductor go to the library?
    A: To check out some new branch lines!

  25. Q: What do you call a train that loves to tell jokes?
    A: A pun-dit express!

  26. Q: Why did the train get kicked off the team?
    A: Because it kept getting derailed!

  27. Q: What do you call a train that’s always on time?
    A: A reliable choo-choo!

  28. Q: Why did the train conductor bring a sleeping bag to work?
    A: Because he was feeling station-ary all day!

  29. Q: What do you call a train that’s full of artists?
    A. A masterpiece express!

  30. Q: Why did the train driver get a speeding ticket?
    A: Because he was going loco-motive!

  31. Q: What do you call a train that loves to play video games?
    A: A choo-choo-choose train (gamer edition)!

  32. Q: Why did the train wear a scarf?
    A: Because it was feeling a little drafty!

  33. Q: What do you call a train that loves to sing?
    A: A karaoke locomotive!

  34. Q: What do you call a train that’s always hungry?
    A: A snack express!

  35. Q: Why did the train driver need a bigger coffee cup?
    A: Because he was feeling a little loco-motive!

  36. Q: What do you call a train that’s full of sleepy passengers?
    A: A yawn express!

  37. Q: Why did the train driver wear sunglasses?
    A: Because he was feeling bright and station-ary!

  38. Q: What do you call a train that’s always lost?
    A: A directionally challenged locomotive!

  39. Q: What do you call a train that loves to read?
    A: A bookworm express!

  40. Q: Why did the train driver get a promotion?
    A: Because he was always on the right track!

  41. Q: What do you call a train with a flat tire?
    A: A locomo-tired!

  42. Q: Why did the train need a nap?
    A: Because it was feeling a little loco-motive!

  43. Q: What do you call a train that loves science experiments?
    A: A choo-choo-mistry train!

  44. Q: Why did the train get a detention slip?
    A: Because it kept getting into whistle-blowing arguments!

  45. Q: What do you call a train full of detectives?
    A: A clue express!

  46. Q: Why did the train driver wear a raincoat?
    A: Because he was feeling a little drizzly!

  47. Q: What do you call a train that loves to travel the world?
    A: A globe-trotting locomotive!

  48. Q: Why did the train driver need a bigger alarm clock?
    A: Because he was feeling a little loco-motive!

  49. Q: What do you call a train that loves to dance?
    A: A choo-choo-boogie train (dance edition)!

  50. Q: Why did the train need a tune-up?
    A. Because it was feeling a little out of sorts!

Did we miss any of your favorite train jokes? Let us know in the comments below, and we might just add them to our next collection!

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